Fortunate Cat Survives 8 Cold Days in Tree and 80-Foot Fall

Fortunate the Cat      
Fortunate is very deserving of her name. The hardy feline was trapped on top of a tree in Rochester, MA for 8 days. As reported by The Standard Times, there were four attempts to rescue her by the Marion Fire Department. The fourth time when the Fire Department and local tree service cut the branch she was perched on, the cat fell 80 feet. She ran into the brush.

It's All About the Animals pet shelter founder Pam Robinson set a trap for Fortunate and caught the 2-year-old cat on New Year's Day.

Dr. Rachel Francis of Marion Veterinary Hospital gave Fortunate an examination and amazingly, other than some minor health issues, the lucky kitty is fine.

The cat is now in isolation for two weeks. Robinson will keep Fortunate for 6 weeks so that the feline can recover from her ordeal and gain some weight.

If you are interested in offering Fortunate a forever home you will need to submit an essay on why you should be able to adopt her. Essays can be submitted to: It’s All About the Animals, 103 Marion Road, Rochester, MA 02770.

source: The Standard Times/photo by Peter Pereira

FOLLOW-UP:  Fortunate the cat was adopted!  Pam Robinson of It's All About the Animals said on her Facebook page, "Great news! Fortunate has been adopted to a lovely couple, Marjorie & John, right here in Rochester! Oren & I get to visit her. It is a good match. Not only do we approve so does Fortunate! She gave them her O.K.! This is the kind of ending we wish for all abandoned & abused animals."

I so agree. So happy to hear the good news! Purrs to you Fortunate!

Fortunate the cat after her recovery.

Photo Credit: It's All About the Animals Facebook page


  1. That is one amazing rescue! I am sure Fortunate will find the purrfect home!

  2. Oh Fortunate must have been so scared! Glad she is okay!

  3. That is one lucky cat that she didn't get hurt in that fall. Sure glad she made through that trama. Take care.

  4. Wow, that is something. Thank goodness she was able to be rescued. Purrs for her finding a wonderful forever home. Happy New Year Ann, we wish you a 2013 filled with health, joy, peace, love and prosperity!

  5. Plucky, lucky kitty! I hope whoever adopts her will keep her safely indoors.

  6. Holy Cat! Fortunate is one lucky kitty! We have our paws crossed for a purrfect forever home. :)

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  8. This is a great story with a great ending. How fortunate is Fortune the cat, right? I'm happy to hear she went to a good home. An 80-foot fall is quite a leap to land with no injuries. She is a lucky girl. I am curious as to why it took the fire department four attempts to lure her out of the tree? Did she go without food for all that time as well?

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