Cat With No Back Legs Gets Around With Wheels and Love (VIDEO)

"Whatever we do for him, he pays us many times over," says the owner of Africa, a tabby cat, who lost the use of his lower body in an accident when he was a kitten. The cat has specially built back wheels to get around.

Judy and Alan Knowles adopted Africa and created a loving environment for the handsome and courageous cat. They built ramps around their house in England, U.K., so he can navigate the house more easily. Plus Africa's trolley has a handle so he can be helped up the stairs.

"It's so rewarding having Africa as a pet. He's so loving, affectionate..."says Judy Knowles. "...We wouldn't be without him for the world."

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Awwwwww my goodness!! Awwww I'm all teary-eyed! I'm so so so happy for Africa! Awwww glad he is loved and looked after and happy, happy, happy! I totally love how he is helped up the stairs! What wonderful people! Yay! take care

  2. Thank you for sharing the story of this special kitty and his special warms the heart!

  3. Very sweet. Have a happy Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. What an encouraging video...I am so moved! Soooo happy that Africa is happy and has such wonderful family to take care of him!!

  5. Amazing. Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring tale with us.

  6. I'm so happy for Africa to find the great pawrents ! Paw Up for all of them

  7. Wow, what a great video! Thanks for sharing it. We're pretty new to the blogosphere and we are out meeting many new friends. Please come and see us sometime!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp
    The Cherry City Kitties

  8. Awww! What a cutie! So nice that he's able to get around still.

  9. Great post and great advice, thanks for sharing!

  10. Africa deserves happiness :)what a lovely inspiring video

  11. Wow...can U help me? I am adopting a Savannah who has paralized back legs due to the umbilical cord wrapped too tight whan born. Just a baby now. Will take months to get this little one home due to the nature of the animal in that must be weened before adoption. Anything will help. I will raise this little one in her forever home that is me and her forever...I need quidance on this little one as this will be a challenge. I love her so much and want the best for her life. TU.. I will make an account shortly but now late as it is 2am and spent time all day with her. Quite exhausting for both of us...I had to put her to bed sleeping so quietly as the purr of her happiness.


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