Enter "Careers for Your Cat" Cottage Giveaway! 3 Prizes!!

 to win this cozy, country cottage from Cascade Boutique for your cat!

The fabulous "Careers for Your Cat" Cottage Giveaway includes 3 gift packages and 3 chances to WIN some catalicious prizes for you and your kitty!!

Your cat will love this private hideaway. Watch the above video and see how the adorable kittens enjoy their new environmentally-conscious home.

Cascade Boutique, generously donated the kitty cabin to the blog giveaway for my followers. (Thank you Cascade Boutique!) The company saw how enthusiastic I was about this lovely retreat in a previous post. Plus they also have a special offer for those who want to purchase the cottage:

If you would like to purchase the kitty cottage, Cascade Boutique is offering Careers for Your Cat followers a special 25% rebate valid for 10 uses or until September 31, 2011. For every cottage sold, Cascade Boutique will donate $1.00 to the SPCA for the month of July. The company hopes to raise awareness of abandoned animals during this time of the year. The code is: CARREERCAT. To purchase go to: Cascade Boutique

Cascade Boutique offers you green and eco-friendly products--everything from recycled plastic outdoor furniture to Christmas trees in recycled cardboard.



Kitty Cottage from Cascade Boutique 
designed by Loyal Luxe
  • Your cat can custom decorate the faux bois facade of the cottage with 4 interchangeable ornaments including--an antler, a fish, a bird and a banner to write down his name. If kitty is a do-it-your-selfer, he can embellish the exterior of the environmentally-conscious cottage (paint, collage, etc.) to personalize it.
The cottage has 3 rear circular windows and a textured cardboard carpet for the interior. The sturdy, recycled-cardboard cottage can support the weight of 30 pounds.

Careers for Your Cat Signed Book
  • Careers for Your Cat book signed by the author (me!) to you and your cat. It's time for your freeloading feline to get a job! 

Careers for Your Cat Signed Book

Careers for Your Cat Signed Book

At the end of this post leave a comment and tell me:
1. The name of the cat or cats you want to share these gifts with if you win.
2. How you are following me.
Twitter (@Careers4YourCat); fan page: (Careers for Your Cat); My blog on Google Friend Connect etc.

Note: In the comment section, if you don’t have a blog: Fill out “Name/URL.” You don’t need a “URL.” Please give me your full name to avoid confusion.

I will give you an extra entry (one entry per day) if you tweet or retweet about the "Careers for Your Cat" Cottage Giveaway. Remember to come back here and leave a comment that you did so I can count it.

Need a United States or Canadian shipping address. (I hope to have another giveaway this year that will include my international friends.)

There will be 3 drawings for the 3 gift packages and all winners will be chosen randomly. Shipping is limited to the United States and Canada. No Purchase Necessary.

Contest Ends: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 11:59pm (EST time).

I will post the names of the 3 winners on this blog on Friday, August 5th. If you don’t respond in 5 days (I will post my email address that day), then I will choose another winner.

"Careers for Your Cat" giveaways are solely sponsored by Ann Dziemianowicz, and are NOT sponsored, endorsed, administered or associated with any online social networking sites.

photo credits of cottage: Loyal Luxe
Thank you for featuring the giveaway: 
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I am a cat rescue owner and I would be sharing these with many cats...My biggest babies and first rescues are Marino, Peyton, and Pie P (my CH kitty) they are almost 8 and I rescued them and their mother....they all live with me and always will.

    I follow you on Facebook and I am reposting or sharing this with others. Thanks,

  2. My mobsters are in need of a new safe house. Freido Santino, Lucianno Pavaroti, and DaVinci are looking for a "bug free" environment for planning their exploits.
    I follow you on facebook and have sent you photos of Lou and his woobies. Uh, I mean, stuffed associates.

  3. Well,this sounds like fun :)
    We are Tillie,Georgia,Tiger,Treasure and JoyJoy.
    We follow you on Google Friend Connect.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia

  4. Hi Ann!

    Thanks for holding such a fun giveaway. That cabin is a hoot, and the chance to win a signed book is pretty exciting, too!

    Our cats are Sammy and Moosey. We follow you on both your fan page and your blog. :)

    The gang at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life

    P.S. - Marmalade (she was your cat of the week a while back) is still waiting to find her forever home. In the meantime, all of the volunteers adore her and are giving her lots of attention and love. :)

  5. Someone is gonna be happy when they win!!!

  6. Those are pawsome! My cats are Leia & Toby, and we follow you through your blog.

  7. Good Meoworning! It is such a purrrdy day outside. I provide shelter, food and love for Hubert James Carson and Ezra James Carson. I can't say "I have two cats" -it's more like they have me! (wrapped around their furry little paws). I asked Hub and Ez what they would do if they won any of the prizes - and they agreed they would donate it to the Cat Shelter "Pawsabilities" where my 11 year old daughter, Sierra, volunteers. Hub & Ez are not above bribing you-and said if they win a prize- they will share their real "Cat Names" (like in 'CATS') with you. But they know I will not tolerate their cheesy little bribing scheme -and just to teach them a lesson I will be putting their 'CAT names' on your FB page (we follow you there -stalking comes naturally to us) concatulating whomever the blessed winners are! Well -gotta go - I'm thinking a snack is in order –perhaps some tuna and cheese with a glass of milk-and then I think I'll take a quick nap. Just a cat nap. May the craziest cat lover win!

  8. My name is Kiwi and my "person" is Elissa. We follow you on Facebook.
    Great giveaway!

  9. Awesome! We are also getting a teepee and will be offering a giveaway, so we'll bow out of the contest.

  10. I will share these gifts with all seven of my cats. Willow, Kizzie, Bode, Isis, Hootie, Snow White and Bella. All my kitties are rescue kitties and would love a new little playhouse!

  11. amd oh yeah i forgot we follow you on facebook

  12. I would like to share these gifts with my two rescue "girls", Bootsie & Katy. I follow you on your fan page on facebook. My name is Cathie Starnes. I shared your post so that others can see it on my wall.

  13. I would be giving these prezzies to my 4 rescued furbabies: Pumpkin, Scooter, Tobias and Pookie.Tobias and Pookie were actually born in my house along with their brother Little Big Man, Sadly Little Big Man and their meowmy Sweety both passed away from cancer within a year of each other. I follow you on Facebook.

  14. halloooo. dis a great giveaway. Iffen I win I mite share da goodies wif ma foster sisfurs, but I not sure about dat just yet. (da book I will hab ma human read to me)

    I follow u on twitter and facebook and ur bloggy! (I gots u covered MOL)

    Off to tweet da world about ur cool contesty.

  15. Right now we only have 2 little cat houses for 8 cats (7 were rescues). Sabrina, Mao, Marty, Sid, Frodo and Bruce are always trying to get into one of the houses first. Sweetie prefers to stay under the bed, and Buddy could care less. I was so happy when I found you on Facebook because I am always telling those kitties they need to find a job to help buy treats. Being cats, they don't listen and know I'll get them treats anyway :)

  16. I have five sweet (most of the time) kitties, Samantha, Sonya, Walley, O.J. and Lilly that I want to fix up a special playroom for and the gifts would be a great addition to their special space. I follow you on Facebook and love seeing your posts! My kitties can be seen on my Facebook photo album: Cats. All my cats are rescue cats that would have ended up in the pound. Now they have a "Furever" home with me!! :-)...Janet M. Dean...merlejd1@aol.com

  17. Hi! I will be sharing this with my adventurous Bella, Toosie, Loud Mouth and Precious! They will have a BLAST!
    I follow you on Facebook and 'like' your posts almost all the time!

  18. Love the cottage! So cute, would love to decorate it with the antlers, as I have "fake antlers" on my wall also! I would like this cottage for my newest rescue kitty, Grayson, but he would probably share with his 2 sister kitties, Wynter Grace & Summer Hope.

    I follow you via the fan page.

  19. I won't be sharing this with anyone, since I want to keep it all for myself. Cats feel no need to share.


  20. We would love to have one of these prizes!! We are following your blog and our mom liked you on FB.

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey

  21. I follow you on your Facebook fan page (Careers for Your Cat); If selected my husband and I will be sharing this adorable cottage with Gypsy, Karma, Cocoa Puff, Maisy, and Elmo.

  22. My pawsse would love a new hiding place! I call them Gordo,Gunnie,gracie,Joy and Mary Alice.What they call each other they wouldn't ttell me. I follow you on facebook when they let me.

  23. Pawsome!!

    1. There's three kitteah here so I guess we cans share wif eachothers!
    2. We follows you on all three!!:
    Twitter - Facebook and blog on Google Friend Connect
    Fanks fur hosting a pawsome contest! =^_^=

  24. What a great giveaway!! I'd love to enter.
    Name of my boys: Goro and Niko. I am following you with Google Friend Connect.

  25. Hi! My name is Lindsay and my little angels, tuxedo cats, Max and Bosley, would have a blast with this little cottage! Max is much more active, so he'd love to play with the little mobile and have a blast running in and out and around the little cottage. Bosley is much fatter, and would find this cottage the most perfect hideaway to nap in. It would help to bring some happiness and excitement in our tiny two bedroom apartment for these two (strictly indoor) felines. I hope that you consider these well- behaved and well- deserved kitties in your contest!
    The three of us all follow you on your Facebook page, and regularly respond to all the fun advice, articles, videos and pictures you post.
    We can be reached at Linz1015@optonline.net :]

  26. I follow with gfc as Shilo Beedy and I would share this with my cat Taiga.

  27. There are 2 kitties, smokie and polka dot. We rescued them from a farm after their mom was killed. They have been wonderful for our family. Follow via GFC under the name of Chip

  28. Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/chipdip2010/status/96396953528705025

  29. How fun! We'd love a chance to win one of the prize packs. We'd share (mostly ;-/) amongst ourselves: we are Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie of the Fraidy Cats blog (3fraidycatsDOTblogspotDOTcom) and we follow your blog with Google Friend Connect.

  30. We would love to win any one of these prizes. Taffy, my little rescue kitty, would be happy to share with other friends' rescued cats. We follow your blog.

  31. we just wanted to stop by and say that this is a catabulous give-away!!! Please do not enter us because we are going to be reviewing one of their Teepees and doing a give-away on August 8th! I first heard about them from you and I was beyond excited when they contacted me to do a give-away too!!! xoxoxo

  32. What a cool give-away! All my kitties adopted me, they are Girl, Squirrel, Mittens, Lil' Bit, Mizz Purrzzy, and The Martian. We follow you on Google.

  33. Oh we would love to win that, how fun it would be to whap Fenris (our doggie) from the holes in back. Us cats are Artemisia, Scylla & Socks. Artemisia & Socks were rescued from being barn cats at Grandma's house and Scylla was rescued from a feral cat colony when her Cat Mom died when she was 4 weeks old.

    Our Mommy is Alasandra and she follows you on Twitter and Facebook. Her e addy is alasandra (at) cableone (dot) net

  34. Me - Nellie and my brofur Kozmo would love this book. Particularly Kozmo. he needs a career (besides being a brat). Me needs the Condo so me can get away from Kozmo and my hairt slobbery sisters, Bob and Cinnamon. So please enter mes! Me is now a follower and me has liked your FB page.

  35. This would be for either our cat Peaches or our cat Summer. If we won the house --- Summer would probably be the victor. However, I'm sure there would be enough catnip for everyone. Follow as Renee G on GFC

  36. I would love to be able to share this with my Sammy kitty. He would just adore it!

  37. I am following your blog with GFC (Tania B)

  38. I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/tjbugnet/status/96612959819796480

  39. Panda and Gypsy are the cats that I will share this with! We got both of them as feral cats that have become very loving great cats!! They would love this! I follow you on FaceBook!

  40. I would share this with my cat Chloe, who is 14 years old; she is a Bengal. She does love paper bags, but all of a sudden now she is obsessed with crumpled up tissue paper, the kind you wrap gifts in. Can't get enough of it.

    Twitter follower as jhitomi
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  41. Charlie our Tuxedo kitty would love this. I am a GFC follower.
    Thanks for the chance.

  42. I follow you on facebook where our cats also have their own page McKatten Brothers Exploration and Destruction Co. These tuxedo wearing rescues would love to have a headquarters all their own tho Sylvester would try to keep Darryl out and Darryl will wind up in full possession of the property.


  43. I follow you via GFC and I'd like to share these with a cat named Zoe

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  44. I follow you on Facebook and LOOOOVE your posts :)

    The kittehs of the household are Daisy, Freddie, Ivan, Claude, Bobbie, Camille, Mitzi, Erwin "Ernie" Schroedinger-Romero, Bodhi, Mia, Milo, and Noonie (yep, 12 kittehs in da house).

    Leslie Romero

  45. I would share this with the three felines who run the joint :)

    vicky @ pawprintcity dot com

  46. I have 2 boy kitties that would love any of these prizes, especially a kitty cottage! Their names are Link (age 13) and Domino (age 7).

    I follow your blog on Facebook. Love it!

  47. Oops - I forgot to mention that I follow you on Facebook :)

  48. If I win, I'll be sharing with Kolby, Buddy, Roma and Cookie.

    I follow you on twitter and facebook

  49. I'm Milo, my mom sent me because she said I need to quit freeloading and get a job. I wish she didn't follow you on Facebook because then I could spend my life in the sun with some catnip...taking catnaps...

    Milo (& Tracie)

  50. Hi,
    My kitties Romy,Sassy,Julie,Jada,and Max are all prancing around telling me to let you know that they don't have a cat house and would just love to have such a cool one. I'm not sure they are too excited about the Careers for Cats book (they're lazy), but I would love to win one!! They also love that brand catnip as well. Anyway I've enjoyed following you for several months on your facebook page :-)Paws and fingers crossed.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. My cats names are Abby and Mara, and they would love this. I really would love to win this.

    katietamblingson at yahoo dot com

  53. My cats are named Darlin, Baby Jude and Roxie. We have been following you on Facebook since your book came out. Darlin was one of the first cats to find her dream career as a covfur girl model thanks to the Meowers-Briggs Purrsonality quiz. She is employed to this day, as is Baby Jude (as a taste-tester for mom's cooking) and Roxie(as an exterminator). They would love some new toys to play with. Thanks to Ann, I no longer have freeloading cats!

  54. i would like to share the cottage with some kitties who would really have some fun playing in such a cool cottage - the kitties of blind cat rescue in north carolina. i would keep the book so i can find a career for my two younger kitties.

    we follow you on facebook and also on the cat blogosphere.

  55. My cats are Mia and Winnie!

    following via gfc, twitter, and facebook!


  56. My cat Misty would love this.
    I follow on GFC. (Kathleen)

  57. Yoshi kitty would be thrilled if we were to win. He loves to hide and sleep in boxes and this would be perfect for him.

    I follow you on GFC as cstironkat.

  58. @mcweger N1ght0wl21@yahoo.com I would be sharing these with my four cats Hercules, Lilly, Digory, and Joni. They'd really love them, and maybe they'd stop sleeping on the kitchen table.

  59. 7/28 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/96823765454954496

  60. My cat's name is Immenence. I follow you at this URL:

  61. So sweet Paper house Ideas for Cats, I am going to keep one.

    send gifts to pakistan

  62. Alex(the cat) and I follow you on twitter. We just tweeted about this giveaway too

  63. cuddles and blackie and rainbow crystletellerday@yahoo.com

  64. I would love to share these prizes with my two kitties, Fizz and Sage! We are following your blog Paper Bag & String! r_rok64@hotmail.com

    -Renee Hanf

  65. LilyBat would share this cottage with our new feline neighbor, Buzz, who is trying very hard to be her friend, and they would play in memory of Mr. Bigfoot. We would add a Squaredy Cats decal, too. I follow you on FB and Twitter. I'm going to post a link to your contest right now.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. I would share it with Gibson, my favorite cat. Giant tuxedo papa bear of cat, rescued a million years ago and recovering nicely from his bout of pancreatitis. He would share it with his cat, Ruben, whom he takes good care of ever since she came home for Xmas from the shelter. And when no one is looking, Maggie, my husband's rescued red-headed stepchild of a cat would sneak in too. I don't think the snake would like it.
    We follow you on Facebook. My cat needs a job to pay his medical bills and he's hoping you know of some good ones. He might become a therapy cat... seems easy enough.


  68. OK, I follow you on Facebook and now on Twitter. I also shared this on my Facebook page and on my Twitter page (susanbellnc). Names of my cats? Hmmmm, ready for this? Here goes: Eddie, Blondie, Face, Major, Google, Hope, Tango and Muffin. I think that's it. Unless someone else has shown up in the past 10 minutes, and that I wouldn't doubt. :-)

  69. https://twitter.com/#!/tjbugnet/status/97013865816133632

  70. Zeno, The Cobra and I follow you on Facebook, and the fluffy ones definitely could use some advice on how to get off the couch (and bed, and piles of clean clothes, and on top of the shoe rack, for some strage reason) and find a job.

  71. Joey the red tabby would love to have his own cottage getaway, or a good book to share with his mom!

  72. I follow you via Facebook (Sheila Korman)!

  73. I tweeted this giveaway:


  74. My kitties are Annabelle, Rocky and Mickey! I'm following your blog on google, twitter and facebook, so I guess I have that covered. LOL. I also just tweeted it. Will go get that link now.

  75. Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/RabidRantingCat

  76. We are a new family! Me and Callie and Bailey!
    I am letting the girls (sisters) get a little older before we make career choices for them. They are too busy being kittens

    following on Facebook

  77. Thanks for having this giveaway! I follow you on GFC, and I would give this to my rescue kitties (Gabe and Susie).

  78. I'll be sharing with Muffin Cleopatra. We follow you on Facebook!

  79. Three cats own me: POOF! (My Flame-point Siberian), His lovely bride, Greybaby, and their only daughter, Abby.

    outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

  80. I follow your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect (GeorgiaMist)

    I follow @Careers4YourCat on Twitter @GeorgiaMist

    My Tweet:


    outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

  81. 7/30 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/97496510463348738

  82. I would share this with my mom's cat Sammy who can be a super freeloader when it comes to food :)

    contactlillea at gmail dot com

    I follow you on Twitter @LilleaBrionn

  83. My two kitties are Harley and Jewel and they would love to win!
    I already followed on twitter and facebook
    Im @dwalline on twitter
    and Diane MeHimAndTheCats on FB

  84. My feral cat Sookie would love to have this as her new hiding place, we follow you on Twitter, facebook and now your blog, and we love it♥

  85. I would share it with Sherpa, Harry, Stinky and Pumpkin the Farm cats! They would love it!

    I follow you on twitter (@BrokenTeepee) on facebook and on GFC
    Thank you,
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  86. I hit the share button on twitter
    thank you
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  87. I want to share this with my babies Nugget and Tater Tot!

  88. stinky, mouser, psycho and baby will go shpilkes in this little house....mouser may have some trouble fitting in (he's a big boy). they permit me to live with them and we follow on facebook (easy to share!!)
    suesan629@hotmail.com =^^=

  89. Lewis & gabby would Love this,,thx for the contest

  90. My cat, Benign (she had a brother, Malignant, who is no longer with us), would love this!! She'd be rubbing her head all over the corners (GOOD, now stop rubbing your head on the corners of my walls!!). Am a GFC follower. Thanks for this giveaway.

  91. Punchy and Mr. Thumbs would love to play in this! So cute.

    I am following your blog via GFC as Jennifer

    jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  92. 7/31 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/97865506719141888

  93. I love your book!! Got it as a birthday present. Haven't quite got around to tell my lazy, opinionated feline that she has to get a job yet.

  94. This would be perfect for our new rescues - Memphis & Belle.
    FB fan (Contest KAO).
    Thank you!

  95. Would love to win this for my cat Elvis Romeo Leonardo DiCatrio!

    2. How you are following me. Twitter _sayitinmusic_

    Shannon Neeley

  96. Cute! My kitty is "Chicky." Not too original but it truly is a term of endearment! :)
    Following you on Twitter (@januarywins)
    januarywins at hotmail dot com

  97. Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/januarywins/status/98114305593053184
    januarywins at hotmail dot com

  98. Rocky, Ernie, myself, and our new ragdoll baby Assateague Blaze (teague), would absolutely love even just a chance to enter a contest like this. We follow you on the fan page on FB...The 4 of us would like to give a 4 paws up to whomever wins (we're just not lucky...lol) Stay cool this summer kitties! Amy Bealer...facebook is preferred contact, otherwise bealern2@aol.com

  99. I think Midnight would love to sleep in this house and I wold love a copy of your book.
    Zurawski and I follow you on Facebook @ginny110411@netzero.net OR

  100. I will give the house to Bootsie, so she can hide from Trouble. This new rescue kitty took over Trouble's bed, room, and bathroom. She left him the rest of the house. But he is totally unreasonable and thinks he belongs in here with people.

    I follow on facebook, as WildXat.

  101. 8/1 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/98240915516293121

  102. I follow on gfc and we have tommy, and max right now thanks for the chance eaglesforjack@gmail.com

  103. GFC follower
    I would share this with our cat, MoMo.

  104. I follow via google I have 3 cats(2 are rescues) Norman Ray, Angel Rose and Toby Trouble. I also have a recuse dog, Mitzi who has a large identity problem and thinks she is part cat. I love the items and thank you for the chance-Mom to 4 loving pets
    Diane Baum

  105. GFC - emillie
    Would love to win for my 3 cats - fatty, baby and mo!
    hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

  106. http://twitter.com/#!/HisPrincess886/status/98486196967190528
    hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

  107. I follow you on Careers for Your Cat blogspot. The kittyboys, Rocky, Spot and Buddy would love the tepee and stinky sardines and I would read the book to them.

  108. 8/2 tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/98546897362501633

  109. Debra Hall it would be for my siamise chong
    debrahall one nine six one at yahoo dot com

  110. Debra Hall i follow on gfc
    debrahall one nine six one at yahoo dot com

  111. Liked you on FB (AngelaWinesburg) I'd love to share this with Habi and Eddie, thanks!


  112. https://twitter.com/#!/Hotsnotty2/status/98555782504787968


  113. I would like to share these gifts with my two cats, Leo & Freddie. :-)

  114. I'm a new follower of your blog on Google Friend Connect.
    I found you today on Giveaway Blogdom's blog. :-)

  115. My cat Kipper would love this cottage! He's 17 but he's still a curious kitty and would have so much fun going in and out of his own little house!

    I follow you on GFC. (lubelle)


  116. My 'kids' Lefty, Dexter, Hope, Owl, Elisabeth, Meri, Eleanor, Snow and Franklin and I follow you on facebook. They'd absolutely love a cozy home to romp in they are in sore need of something charming for their picky natures!

  117. I just rescued an abandoned litter of newborn kittens that would love this cottage. We are already planning on keeping 2 of them and finding good homes for the remaining. I follow via Twitter as @TextbookMommy and I "like" on Facebook as Heidi@TextbookMommy

  118. I have 8 cats of my own - Missy, Fred, Maggie, Garfield, Charlie, Maxwell, Nellie and Chelsea this does not include the fosters or feral cats that I take care of. I'm sure they would love this cottage, I know I do. Follow you on fb =^..^= Donna Keecatz@gmail.com

  119. my 2 rescue cats Gretchen and Fran will love the cottage! I found and follow you on facebook and can be reached at klompenkitty@hotmail.com

  120. Fabulous giveaway!! Glad I found your page!

    1.Most likely to LOVE the cottage: Rojo, Andybelle, Simon, Hank, and Oliver!
    2. I like you on Facebook
    3. I follow you on Twitter under Arniebelle
    4. Google Friend Connect Public Follower
    5. Subscribed via email

  121. Tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/arniebelle/status/98607137374220288


  122. 8/3 Tweet:


    outofthemist AT gmail DOT com

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Lov your site! I am now following on Twitter @sarohioan and I would share these nifty prizes with Jewel, Buddy and Rocky.

  125. http://twitter.com/#!/sarohioan/status/98749263609212928

  126. Tweet 8/3 -


  127. tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/HisPrincess886/status/98763474401886208
    hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com

  128. My human would share this with a rather bratty cat she took in last summer.He was abandoned by his owners. His name is Ghost. He hits me
    in the face with his paws then runs away. If you had a medium/large
    *dog* sized one, that would be better and I could hide from him! My
    human and I follow you on Facebook. chloetales(at) gmail (dot) com

    Thank you. Chloe & her human (and Ghost, too.)

  129. i am a follower on gfc susansmoaks and i would share this with our kitty cat, his name is eenie
    susansmoaks at gmail dot com

  130. Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/tjbugnet/status/98818378059350016

  131. my awesome ragdoll Shadow--he so thinks he is a human!
    kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
    GFC Kendra22

  132. Snowball2.
    I'm now following GFC (Gianna).

  133. 8/3 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/98930628581535744

  134. I love Careers for you cats. If I am chosen as a winner, my special needs foster care cats Mitzi, Beemer, Fluffer, Claude and wiggles will delight in playing house!. They are foster cats for our local animal shelter and all have special needs ie Wiggles and Claude are 3 legged. I follow you on Facebook

  135. Caitlin Day-GennettAugust 3, 2011 at 10:04 PM

    I would love to share this cozy little cottage with my cats Rex and Jasmine. Rex is a very unique boy. He has extra toes on his back feet and only one bone in his front arms. He stands up like a T-Rex. Jasmine(Jazzy)is a kitten trapped in a cat body. She loves hide-y huts and playing with her toys. Both of these cats were adopted from a shelter and were found emaciated after spending years on the streets.
    I follow you on facebook and purchased a copy of your book to try and motivate my cats to carry their weight in bills (and they are FAT).You can reach me on facebook or at sbi_35@yahoo.com

  136. I would give the cottage to my Mr. Bigglesworth, who is a real scaredy cat! I'd like him to have a "nicer" more comfortable, place to hide, other than under the bed! :) I follow your blog with facebook posts.

  137. Hi this is such a cool giveaway! I am Tiffany Shanahan. I have 3 wonderful black kitties. Mercya and Osiris they are father and son. Then I have Cleopatchra shes 13yrs old. My kitties would love to have a new home to play in they are so hyper and need things to keep busy. I follow you via Facebook. Thanks :) i can be reached at luvelyjuggalette@aol.com

  138. Hello!

    I would love to share this with my Monster. He is an oddity, he has an underactive thyroid, and also seems to be autistic (he just doesn't process information the same way as other cats) but he is fun, and I love him to bits.

    I follow you on facebook and twitter, and retweeted (My twitter is on my phone and I am doing this on the computer so I have no idea how to link to it for you but it was from @Devilofabird)

  139. GFC follower: Atreau.

    My cat Max who's a shelter cat would love this. His current occupation is as a personal trainer as his second favorite room is the exercise room. We believe he previously worked at a department store as his first room is the closet where he likes to lay around the shoes or clothes that have fallen off the hangers.

  140. The cottage would be shared by Prudence and Jude (rescues) and coveted by Fifi and Paisley (two of five born in my closet from a poisoned straydoptee) I follow you on Twitter and FB.

  141. My 15 year-old tuxedo cat Gigi will have fun in this.
    FB like you: Slehan
    Twitter follow you: slehan
    tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/slehan/status/98956913437450240
    Thanks for the contest.


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